Some comments and observations
I think I made a pretty smooth transition from HomeAssistant to HE. I had all my devices moved to HE fairly quickly. After a quick test with a couple of devices, I made the leap in a couple of days. HA has a very large list of supported stuff and I will need to find some way to work with some of those things. They aren't critical and I won't be disappointed if I don't have some of those things controlled. Automations and such took a few more days to get to a decent minimum of functionality. More to do but I am pleased with what I have achieved so far.
I ran HomeAssistant as a virtual machine on ESXi. I have used ESXi for 15 years or so and it just seemed criminal to not use it. My HA instance had lots of CPU and RAM but one thing that was instantly clear was how much Zwave performance improved on this tiny HE device. I have some Aeon Minimotes that control some Hue lights. With HomeAssistant, a single button push would toggle on a light but a second push might take a few seconds to register and toggle the light. With HE I can push the remote button as fast as I want to the point where the light is flashing. I thought the improvement moving from HA on a Pi 3B to ESXi was huge but the move to HE was just wow. So I am pleased as can be with the overall performance of this little device. Hats off to the HE bunch.
If I can move back to Rules and such, I would like to comment on something I find difficult. I feel that Rule creation is like I am on a journey with no map. I only see what's around the corner after I have turned the corner. Once I turn the corner, I can't look back to see where I was. For a new user, this can be both frustrating and it tends to make learning a lot harder. I don't know whether I might have an easier time had I had previous exposure to Smarthings or was a programmer but I find it hard to visualize the rules. I have spent 25 years at the Linux command line. I can eventually craft a decent bash script so I am not totally inept.
I would love to see a rule fully exploded to reveal the structure and options. Screenshots don't really reveal much for me. It's somewhat like looking at random snapshots of someone's vacation. Without the narrative, they are just random images. An exploded, structured view of a rule would allow someone to post the rule they are having trouble with, and have someone comment like:
Select Actions for False
Delay by 2 minutes <--This should be 1 minute
Off: sleep_mode_switch
It would also allow someone to post an easily understandable recipe for some novel way they worked around some issue.
Like I said, had I come from ST I might not care, but I am new. I think the long term success of this platform will be the ease of transferring understanding from one generation of a user to the next. At some point, users with the most experience will drift away. Their systems will be working smoothly and they won't need to learn new things and will stop participating.