Two IPs on the same Hub

I'm currently running the C8, platform version

I recently did a disconnection on both my router and the C8 hub. Now, the original IP of has changed to As well, I'm also getting this alert, "Cloud connection is unavailable."

I ended up setting a static IP reservation of on the router side as well as on the Hubitat side.

Now I can access the Hubitat interface with either or but at the same time, all the cloud-depending apps such as Ecobee, etc. don't work anymore.

I have tried rebooting both the router and the C8 hub. Also tried the 7-second reset button.

It seems to be stuck on while trying to connect to it remotely.

Any idea how I can fix this?


Don't do this. Do either or. (Reccomend the DHCP reservation) is likely still cached as local.hubitat for you. I would ensure your DHCP reservation is and then press the network reset button on the bottom of the hub with a paperclip or toothpick for 7 seconds (It's the only round hole out of all the square ones). This will reset your network settings on the hub without resetting the hub. Then after everything is done, clear the cache on all your devices.


I agree with @rlithgow. Configure a DHCP reservation in your router’s settings page, and keep your Hubitat hub in its default DHCP mode (or push that button on the bottom to reset back to DHCP).

Dont set a static IP address on the hub’s network settings page unless you’re absolutely sure you know what you’re doing.

This post from a while back might help explain the difference between the two terms DHCP reservation and static IP address assignment.

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Thank you.

I did the hub button reset. How do I clear the cache on all my devices?
Also, I tried doing a cloud backup but it failed with the message "Cloud backup creation failed."

You may just need to reboot the router AND the hub. So the router forgets about the .43 IP.
Shut down hub, reboot router, then boot hub once router is booted up.


Thanks all for your help. It's working perfectly now.