Twinkly Christmas Lights

Getting closer to the season and my tree needs some IoT!

Has anyone tried to integrate these lights?


I came across this in the home automation reddit a couple of days ago: Caution about Twinkly Christmas Lights : homeautomation

I have no idea if this applies but it might be worth a read.

Good read, thanks!

I love the photo that follows that thread with the Roomba stuck in the fireplace :rofl:

Did anyone get these working with hubitat?

I had it working through Alexa and ifttt for a hot second for on/off. But, the Alexa skill is so unresponsive and junky for Twinkly, I let it go.

Home Assistant supports ON/OFF and Dim, so :man_shrugging:t3:

Does not seem worth the effort unless you’re already using HA

Twinkly Gen 2 devices can now use HomeKit. If that’s applicable to you, there’s one more way to make it work with Hubitat by using HomeKit Automations mapped to HE virtual switches published through Homebridge or Hoobs.

Not exactly a full integration, but it’s something.

Updated my Twinkly and set this up tonight. Works, but they were a little reluctant to get there. Seems fine now.

This is a timely thread, I have a set of lights coming tomorrow for the tree. Hopefully turns out to be a solid product.

may seem a pointless way to do this from HE altho it makes life easier for meself working with other lights and webcore

make a virtual switch in HE which can be seen by alexa
then under routines in alexa tell alexa do what you wish when this swtich is turned on or off

Alexa needs a contact sensor or motion sensor to trigger a routine.

I have used that method with Twinkly and it worked fine, but adds a second cloud to the mix. Personally, I’m now going to use the HomeKit method (because I’m already a HomeKit/Homebridge user) so I’ll have local control over the on/off toggle of the lights.

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