Twilio Driver missing Phone Number fields, cannot configure

Hello All, I have a problem configuring Twilio as a virtual device. The phone number fields are missing. I can put in the two token strings for my account, but there's no where for me to put in the phone numbers (from/to). I'm on the latest version (as of June 24th, C-7). Am I doing something wrong? Did they change that driver? Do I need to reinstall anything?

"Hubitat Elevation® Platform Version

Hardware Version
Rev C-7"

I should add, I've done a soft reboot, and a full power-down. No help. I've also deleted and recreated the device. Same problem. Mobile push notifications work, but that's short of what I really need, esp. if I'm away and someone needs to run into the house to shut the water off or call the fire department.

You should have 2 devices in your Devices list, the Twilio Container and at least 1 Twilio Device.

For example, I have 1 Twilio device for my phone, I plan to add another for my wife, son etc...

When you configure the Container, that's where you have the Account SID, Auth Token and your FROM phone number.

The Twilio Device you create will be configured with the number you want to send TO.

If you only have the Container, use the Add Virtual Device button to add a Twilio Device... you should see it at the bottom of the list in the TYPE dropdown.

I don't see the Container or Device types, and I can't select the device already created in the driver drown down when creating a second one. I can't create a child under the first device from the Devices menu. In either case, there are no number fields to fill in, so I think I'm missing something. Does this require an app?

My Twilio stuff shows up under Drivers code, iirc I added the Container and Device code manually from the Drivers code with Copy\Paste.

he driver can be found here:



Ok, that's great, but inordinately frustrating that I have to add custom code, FROM Hubitat, into my Hubitat hub, to do the same thing that the official, built-in Hubitat driver doesn't do. That's infuriating. Their documentation is out of date. I'm going to open a support ticket with them to give them a heads-up. the document that Google points people to is from 2019!

I'll give this a try and report back. A number of people are suggesting Pushover as well, and it may come to that.

I've actually been testing Pushover \ Twilio \ SendGrid \ Hubitat app for notifications. I have a few more scenarios and use cases then I was going to post about the pros\cons of each.

And I agree with your point that there's inconsistencies, however the support from this community is incredible, so if you talk to the right people odds are you'll get what you want pretty quickly. Adding things like Twilio to HPM would make it easier for sure, but you also have to remember that people are writing \ testing these integrations in their own time for free.

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Slight correction, this is actually my code not Hubitat’s. I built this driver years ago and HE staff asked my permission to include a version of this natively which I had no problem with. I have since added a bunch of new functionality that the native driver doesn’t support so some folks like @darryl.kegg have chosen to use my community driver instead. This includes voice calling. You can read about these features in my official thread:

OK thank you, I see the byline in the source code. Thank you for putting this together, and for that clarification. And yes the built-in one seems to be lacking in a number of ways, so I'll be using your other one for sure.

The official documentation doesn't mention that you have to request a number from Twilio for it to pick up the From number (or it's glossed over in fine print). I've gotten all of that figured out at this point, and your documentation is great. I have my local number from which to send via Twilio (not my number, THEIR number, for those coming to this thread from Google, costs $1/mo to use one of my choosing rather than the free one they provide in some random town, and an Alpha sender is apparently cheaper but I didn't go that route).

SOLUTION: Use the custom drivers (both the container and the device) listed above for a better experience, and have the Twilio number created first before creating the devices in Hubitat for the best experience.

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I'm using this version and it works GREAT btw...

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Thanks both to @ritchierich @darryl.kegg for taking the time to answer my question. Hopefully this will be useful to future users and Google searches. :smiley:

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