Twilio dashboard tile

I'm using the HE provided TWilio Notification driver to supplement my HSM. The driver has no exposed attributes on the dashboard tile - such as 'last message sent' or anything related which, as a hearing impaired person, I would find very useful.
Recently I've become very comfortable with Hubitat Dashboard for Android by @jpage4500 - but there tile has no true value as a dashboard tile since nothing is exposed.
Are there any drop in replacements, generic or otherwise, that can solve this? Is this a feature request? I suspect it is...

Saw this post and cross posting my answer to your question in this thread. My community driver can solve this for you.

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This 'updated' version is really slick and is slick as black ice.
a generic dashboard (but double wide)
The community Hubitat Dashboard for Android app:

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Awesome super happy this is working for you. Have a great weekend.