Tuya Moes smart button driver?

OK. I removed the device following your instructions (same way I have been removing it before, by clicking on the bottom right hand corner on "remove device"), then removed the battery, waited 15 minutes and re-paired it. Checking the "current states" it did show the switchmode as "scene", but upon trying to use it once again it continues to randomly register double presses where none exist. I will try again after the new hub firmware is released. Thanks again for all your help.


OK, here is the solution I found, which hopefully can help others experiencing the same issue. It looks like that by setting the button to turn lights on with one press while also setting it to turn them off with one press, the button goes HAL 2001 and tries to do both at the same time (not really but you know what I mean). So, I went back to my rule and changed the trigger to turn the lights off from a single press to a "double tap", which is supported by the TS004F driver, saved it, and tested the button again. I have not been able to reproduce the issue; no more incorrect double clicks at all. One click turns the lights on, and only a double click turns them off. In retrospect it seems obvious what the issue was, so I am sorry to have wasted people's time on this (especially kkossev, who went above and beyond trying to help me). Thanks everyone!

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