Turning off one switch after another switch is off and STAYS off for a certain time

In Smartthings using WebCoRE, it's very easy to do the following:

IF bathroom light switch stays off for 5 minutes, THEN turn off bathroom fan

The key here is for the switch to STAY off. If Person A leaves the bathroom and turns off the light, 5 minutes later the exhaust fan will shut off. However, if Person B comes in to the bathroom to take a shower before the 5 minutes is up, they will turn on the light which will cancel the automation. Don't want the exhaust fan shutting off while they're in the shower, after all.

I can't figure out how to do something like this in RM. I know that you can delay an action, so I can easily have the fan turn off five minutes after the light is turned off, but how would I cancel this if the light is turned back on?

Try this

Bathroom Light *changed

Cancel Delayed Actions
IF (Bathroom Light Off) Off Bathroom Fan --> delayed 0:05:00 (cancelable)

Not that this IF is a simple condition, no THEN and no END-IF needed.


Like this?

I tested this and the auto-off part works, but it does not get cancelled when the light is turned back on. And I'm not sure why it would. I don't see what would cancel it. What does checking the Cancelable? box actually do?

EDIT: Wait. I think I forgot something. Testing again.

EDIT 2: Yep. That fixed it. :joy:

Thanks for the help. This stuff isn't always easy to figure out.

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Glad to help. In addition to the Cancel Timed Actions you can use Cancel Delayed Actions which is found under "Delay or Repeat Actions, Wait"



In that case, what is the difference between timed and delayed in this context?

In this context I don't believe there is a difference since you don't have the other actions that Cancel Timed Actions will cancel. For a case like this I prefer to use Cancel Delayed Actions and was just pointing out where to find it.

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