Silly question, is there a way to turn off or down the controller led? It is an extremely bright blue led.
Controller? Are you talking about the hub? Or a device?
If you are talking about a light switch go to devices in the portal and select your device. Scroll down to Preferences. Change Turn on Indicator to Never.
I expect he's asking about the hub. I had to put foil tape on my hub and also the usb stick as they are located in the master bedroom.
Black electrical tape does the job! This is what I use on devices in our Master Bedroom.
Some light bled through, so I used hvac foil tape.
I was talking about the light on the actual Hub. Tape it is.
Tape will work, but if you still want to see the LED when viewed directly you might find this useful Dimming tape. I used it on my DVR clock display which before this tape, could light the room.
Disclaimer: I actually used a different brand of dimming tape, but I expect they are all similar.
@njanda Where did you get the battery back up? I've been trying to find one for the UK?
Light Dims work better than tape.
Electrical tape is only $0.99 a roll, cut to fit, removable, works perfect. Best part, almost everyone has at least one roll already in the house!
Thanks for that. Ordered a full set on Amz. I currently make my own cover dots with a hole punch out of aluminum or copper foil tape. Dots make for a good WAF aesthetic for blocking the damn leds on visible tech gear and other household switches & appliances. Excluding quality gaffer's tape and the above-mentioned foil tapes, the adhesive on most other tapes gets gooey over time. I'll throw the Light Dims in my tapes inventory and give them a try.
BTW, the leds on the G Mini can be dimmed substantially in the Night Mode settings.
HE's is like having an arc welder in the bedroom.
You forgot... looks like crap.
lol, like a pre cut sticker is going to look any different. Like I said 'cut it to size'. I have it on several devices including the camera on the tablets. Can't even notice it's there unless you get real close and are looking for it.
Will just have to agree to disagree on this one.
I use cut electrical tape all of the time for this. Unless you have pre-K scissor skills you can make a neat looking square or rectangle with electrical tape quite easily.
I think the saying that applies here is "......there is more than one way to skin a cat(fish)....."
My reasons for using the dims is:
- I wanted to see the LED if I focused my attention on it.
- Having NO adhesive, they come off without a remaining residue.
Its a TalentCell device.
I got it delivered to a friends place in the US while I was over there.
It has 12v output but also a USB which is what is powering the HE and works whilst on mains and on battery.
so this thread got way off topic and never actually answered the OP question of if you can actually turn the hub led off or not and simply progressed into a pissing match over light dims or electrical tape so since I have the same question is there any software based method to turn the controller led off?
It would be nice to add this as a feature request. The LED is controllable in that it changes color, etc. Would be nice to have some user control. I know on the Samrtthings hubs you can turn it off