TTS on IKEA Symfonisk

Hi all,

New user here, so I'm currently climbing a steep learning curve!

I'm graduating to HE from mostly Google devices - I got my hub about a month ago. Right now I'm in rented accommodation so I'm taking the opportunity to learn what it can do, before moving into my own place early next year.

I've got an Aeotec Multisensor 6, a few Sonoff motion sensors and some Inno switches. Slowly I'm learning what can be done.

However my question now is about my recent purchase of an IKEA Symfonisk speaker. I've got the speaker set up on WiFi via the Sonos app, and I've got it listed as a device in HE, eventually. The speaker could not be discovered but (after some investigation) I managed to set up a virtual device and define it as a Sonos Player.

I would love to use it for TTS but, despite being able to set it up in a Basic Rule, I cannot get it to speak the text message. All I get is an error message in the logs, but no sound. Other parts of the rule (notification to my phone, for example) work fine.

Am I missing something? I'm away from my PC at the moment so I can't post screen shots - I'll do that if it helps.

But I keep reading about how easy it is to use this speaker for TTS, that I can't help feeling I'm missing something really obvious!



The first thing I'd do is rule out an app problem (which it sounds like you are already trying to do in some way). Try the commands directly on the device page in Hubitat. If those don't work, no app will be able to use them, either. If they don't work, my suspicion would be that the manual setup went wrong.


Most likely the IP address is misconfigured.
First off all - the Discovery should work with the latest 2.2.9 HE software.
If it did not - it is already indication for the LAN related problem,
Second - Symfonisk IP should be configured either static or DHCP but
MAC-to-IP mapped in a router.
Finally, manual configuration requires to change the device ID to the
IP address in a hex.
For instance, if IP is say in HEX will be C0.A8.01.0A and
Dev ID will be C0A8010A
And for testing TTS from the device page please use "Speak" button.
Buttons "Play Track" and "Play Track and Restore" are not working
in my case with 2.2.9 but 2.2.8 is OK.

Please show a screenshot of the error message.

Yes, I guess you are right :smiley:

It currently isn't static. But I have tested this immediately after installing it, and checked the IP address before and after running the Basic Rule. The IP address did not change. I will try setting it to static, and I will also try ethernet (currently it is wifi because I want to use it where I have no easy ethernet access, but let's get it working first!)

This is the Device config

No joy I am afraid :unamused:

One thing that did strike me as a possible issue is that I am using a Netgear router for my wifi, hanging off a switch from my ISP Modem/Router - this is because the Plusnet-supplied router keeps dropping wifi (known problem apparently). Hence the IP address of the Symfonisk.

However every other wifi device is also on this subnet. Google Home happily finds the Symfonisk and uses it for media playback

Thanks @bertabcd1234 ...replied to @vitaliy_kh post

What is the private LAN IP address of your Hubitat hub?

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The HE Hub is on I suspect this is somehow related to the problem, but I'm not familiar enough with Hubitat to be sure

Yes, that is the problem. You have the Hubitat Hub and the Symfonisk speaker on two different networks. They both need to be on the same network. Your “extra” router should probably be put into Wireless Access Point mode, instead of Router Mode, to prevent having two networks and “double NAT” issues.

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OK I will try that

That fixed it! Thanks everyone, for helping a dumb newbie!!! :flushed: