Trying to restore, getting Invalid file size, file size should be smaller than 10 MB

I have a C7 that was giving 500 errors, did a soft reset. Trying to restore the backups (they're about 20mb) and getting the following error:

Invalid file size, file size should be smaller than 10 MB.

I thought I would be able to simply get rid of some log files from the export and apparently the file format is encrypted per several posts on here for .lzf files.

How do I restore my device?

IIRC the error message is correct in that the maximum backup size is 10MB which would seem to indicate that your backups may be corrupt. Iā€™d recommend talking to the @support_team and possibly logging a warranty claim form before going much further.


Thanks for reaching out. This will be fixed in the next update. Meanwhile, I can add your hub to the beta group so you can get the fix as soon as it's ready. Please send me a private message along with your hub ID.