Trying to KISS. Any thoughts on simplification?

So I am coming from WebCore and trying my first complex rule in RM. The premise is that I need to control the fresh air system in the house. Where it gets complex is I want to be informed on what shuts the system down. Is it too hot or too cold out? Is it before or after the run hun hours I set? Has someone left the doors open?
The rule seems to be working as written, but I am trying to improve and simplify.
Any suggestions?

Variable reports gvDamTemp(99) changed
Variable reports gvDoubleSliderOpen(false) changed
When time is 20:01
When time is 07:01

IF (AprilAire(on) is off(F) AND
Time between 07:00 and 20:00(T) AND
Variable gvDamTemp(99) < 101(T) AND
Variable gvDamTemp(99) >= 46(T) AND
Variable gvDoubleSliderOpen(false) = false(T) [FALSE]) THEN
On: AprilAire
Notify iPhonePushover, D iPad Air2, DiPhone 7: 'AprilAire is turning ON'
ELSE-IF (AprilAire(on) is on(T) AND
NOT Time between 07:00 and 20:00(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Off: AprilAire
Notify iPhonePushover, D iPad Air2, DiPhone 7: 'AprilAire is OFF for the night'
ELSE-IF (AprilAire(on) is on(T) AND
Variable gvDamTemp(99) >= 101(F) OR
Variable gvDamTemp(99) < 46(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Off: AprilAire
Notify iPhonePushover, D iPad Air2, DiPhone 7: 'Outside temp is >95 or <46'
ELSE-IF (AprilAire(on) is on(T) AND
Variable gvDoubleSliderOpen(false) = true(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Off: AprilAire
Notify iPhonePushover, D iPad Air2, DiPhone 7: 'AprilAire is turning OFF. Slider is OPEN.'