I created an action to test out the TTS through Chromecast functionality. How can I actually trigger it? I just want to do a manual trigger for now by hitting a button on the dashboard.
Also, why isn't there a "Test" button when creating actions or other things in RM?
Create a virtual switch or button and use that to trigger your action.
Good question, but to be honest, I've never had the need for a "test" button in RM as I can just use a virtual device as a trigger and test it that way.
I've got it working now. I had created a button the dashboard, but I didn't create a virtual device. Also, it appears I had to press the initialize button for the Chromecast before I could do anything with it.
Yeah, I had the same issues with the Chromecast integration. I finally ditched it and went back to 100% Alexa.
You mean I'll keep having problems with it and have to reinitialize periodically? That's a deal killer on the Chromecast.
There should be updates to it over the past few versions. I had a RM rule that called configure() every hour on my Chromecast devices and not everyone had/has issues with it. I haven't used it since 2.0.5.
I'd say give it a try for a day or two and see what happens.
I just tried mine after about a day of inactivity and it wasn't working, but the refresh button fixed it.
I was going to use rule machine to execute refresh every few hours, but they didn't include the refresh capability in that driver so that device isn't shown in the list.
I guess I could create a custom command for refresh, but that's kind of stupid since refresh is a capability that's already supported by RM...
Who developed the driver? Has anyone opened an issue for it?
It's still labeled beta so I'm assuming it's still a work in progress.
I've just never understood why developers sometimes explicitly define the command "refresh" since there's already a capability for it...
I think copy / paste explains most of it.
Now I'm just seeing tons of errors from it in the logs and it's not working at all so I'm not sure if refresh broke something, the service is down at the moment, or the integration still needs a lot of work to make it usable...
It's an official beta app in HE. I know that support is aware of the issues with it.
I had some problems with it, but an uninstall and reinstall seems to have resolved the issue. I have mine raising the volume and playing an MP3 every time somebody rings the doorbell. Then setting the volume lower and stopping the MP3 when I open the door. It has not failed, so I don’t think refresh is necessary.
I’m using custom commands so maybe that’s the difference?
@mike.maxwell wrote the Chromecast Integration app
I do this in cases where I don't want the specific device beat on with polling apps...
That makes sense, but any suggestions on the best way to prevent it from disconnecting every day?