Trigger event AND not OR

New to hubitat, looking in the RM guide and cant seem to figure this out. I'm trying to set a rule so if all of my motion sensors stop sensing motion, it will turn off all lights after 30 minutes. In trigger events when I select more than one motion sensor it defaults to "OR" and I can't find where to change it to "AND". (LivingRoomMotion AND OfficeMotion AND BedroomMotion inactive then turn off all light after 30 min delay)

There is no "AND" in the trigger section.

Trigger on them both ("OR"), and then make the first step of your Actions a conditional action - "IF LivingRoomMotion AND OfficeMotion AND BedroomMotion all inactive THEN..."

I think you need your trigger to be any of your motion sensors changes or is inactive then under Actions, you do an IF statement that says if all of motion sensors are inactive. I don't believe any AND trigger would ever fire because they would have to fire simultaneously and that is practically impossible.

You may want to try using the built-in Motion Lighting App. It should be able to handle this use-case, I think... :thinking: Much quicker/easier than building it in Rule Machine.

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Ahhhh this makes sense. Thank you! I have the motion sensors as the trigger to look at the rule, then I create the action looking the sensors again.

You might want to also look at the built in Zone Motion Controller app. It will let you group motion sensors together and then treat the group as a single thing in RM rules, Motion Lighting, etc. I use it for detecting motion in odd shaped areas, but you could group the motion detectors any way you want.. It works great.

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