Too much of a Novice to understand

Hi @AndyM,
I am always game to learning something new, especially if it makes the process simpler and adds more functionality.

I understand the concept of creating a Virtual Switch and turning that Virtual Switch on/off using the clock.

Am I approaching this correctly?

  1. A Virtual Switch is created and a new Rule (Virtual #1) turns the Virtual Switch On at 4:00PM.
  2. The current Rule is modified
    A. Triggers now on the Virtual Switch being On or Off.
    B. The Loop is modified to an IF/Then/Else, Swapping the colors back and forth while the Virtual Switch is On, ELSE, Turning Off Lamp1 and Lamp2.
  3. At 11:00PM a second Rule ( Virtual #2) turns the Virtual Switch Off.
  4. The modified original Rule notices the Virtual Switch is now Off and the swapping of the colors cease. Then the ELSE applies, turning Off Lamp1 and Lamp2.
  5. In the event I need to turn the lights off Manually, I just ask (She who shall not be named aloud) Alexa to turn the Virtual Switch off.
  6. Next Day the process starts all over again.

Is this approach OK or are there better ways to accomplish the same goals?

Thanks for your follow-up. Looking forward to your response.


Hi Bill - I'm on my phone so hopefully this makes sense:

Generally correct. But I think you are making the modification of the existing rule more complicated than it needs to be (granted I haven't tried it, so won't be sure till we try). But your modified existing rule would only be triggered by the virtual switch being on. And no new if/then/else. Rule stays nearly identical to how it is, but the existing conditional line that has the repeat would be replaced to instead of a time frame, you would have it set to the switch being on.

So, switch goes on. The rule triggers (the rule should only trigger on the switch going on). It starts the repeat, and continues repeating while the statement remains true that the switch is on. When you turn off the switch, nothing is "triggered" but that repeat statement now becomes false and the rule exits just like it does now when the time hits 11pm.

This is an amazing way to teach someone with an automated GIF, just brilliant, thank you for your effort and time

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