Hi @AndyM,
I am always game to learning something new, especially if it makes the process simpler and adds more functionality.
I understand the concept of creating a Virtual Switch and turning that Virtual Switch on/off using the clock.
Am I approaching this correctly?
- A Virtual Switch is created and a new Rule (Virtual #1) turns the Virtual Switch On at 4:00PM.
- The current Rule is modified
A. Triggers now on the Virtual Switch being On or Off.
B. The Loop is modified to an IF/Then/Else, Swapping the colors back and forth while the Virtual Switch is On, ELSE, Turning Off Lamp1 and Lamp2. - At 11:00PM a second Rule ( Virtual #2) turns the Virtual Switch Off.
- The modified original Rule notices the Virtual Switch is now Off and the swapping of the colors cease. Then the ELSE applies, turning Off Lamp1 and Lamp2.
- In the event I need to turn the lights off Manually, I just ask (She who shall not be named aloud) Alexa to turn the Virtual Switch off.
- Next Day the process starts all over again.
Is this approach OK or are there better ways to accomplish the same goals?
Thanks for your follow-up. Looking forward to your response.