Hi all, I’m after some advice, I have Smart things V3, Hubitat, Philips Hue, Aqara, Homebridge, Echo and Wi-Fi devices set up. The end game I’m after is to have devices on HomeKit using the homebridge but getting the rest set up is confusing me, ie should I just have everything on their own bridges or should I junk the hue and SmartThings hubs and connect through Hubitat?
Just after some ideas.
Welcome to the community
Philips lamps are best on their own hub, that could be the hue bridge if all you have is philips stuff or another Hubitat hub. Smarthings hub shouldn't be needed but it does depend on what you were planning on putting on it, if it's supported on Hubitat then put it there. It all depends on your end devices you want to control are, is it just lamps?
It’s a mixture of devices, ring and Neos cameras, zigbee, Hue and aqara sensors, hue, zigbee and Wi-Fi bulbs and Wi-Fi and hue switches.
Whatever you decide, don't toss the SmartThings hub - you'll need it to apply firmware updates to any ST devices in your system.
I have to make an obscure comment re the thread title..
You can NEVER have too many hubs
I have an ST hub (used for presence with the ST app)
Hue Bridge (ALL my smart lights are on here)
8 Hubitat Hubs
What do you need that many for!
A mansion?
One for each day of the week and a spare in case they decide to go for an 8 day week.........
I thought maybe one in each car and one in the caravan/ motor home
So a hub for each protocol + hub for each area + now hub for each day of the week.
Calculation is straightforward:
2 hubs (zw & zb) for each floor (including basement) depending upon the size of the house. If you have "wings" on your house then you might need a set for each X # of days in week. Then also a controller hub then a backup hub + maybe a dev hub for giggles.
For me it would be ~45 hubs..
though I might cheap out and get a hub for the weekdays then a hub for the weekend.. so more like 15 Hubs..
Do you need the hub to calculate presence? I’m surprised that’s not done cloud-side.
5 for production, 2 for dev, 1 for beta
It probably is, I just keep the hub around for some reason
Me too it’s still mounted and everything. Only one device on it, which I’m about to switch over to my Lightify hub, anyways.
So why 5, I get the zigbee bulb issue needing 2 but the rest????
When you have THOUSANDS invested in all the switches, dimmers, bulbs, outlets, locks, garage door openers, pool pump relays, on and on and on.. $300 over what works Minimally for something that completely gets out of the way, is quite enticing...
... says the guy with 6 of them.
I've had 3 for production for a long time, I recently decided to add a 4th because I'm very curious about reducing maximum response time. I've mentioned elsewhere.. we can't really reduce the Fastest reaction time of the Hub. It's got so much Z-Radio latency. However, when the hub is.. shall we call it 'distracted'? ...it doesn't respond as quickly. That's the maximum and it can be quite long, multiple seconds, in my past.
Thus, I'm hoping that by splitting my devices a different way, yielding fewer devices per hub, I'll reduce the maximum, again. There is a point of no return, obviously. It's also hard to measure. or even perceive. When it all just works and always is fast, why is that ?? LOL Is it because right now, there's no 'distractions'? or is it because I added another hub?
I usually sacrifice a Development hub to these wild ideas, but not this time.. Mostly because I really feel that 4 hubs is not past the point of diminishing returns.
This can stay on ST until HE has a app for it, then just share it to HE. It's a cloud device either way so no worries with leaving it in HE. You probably don't even need to leave the hub powered.
Not sure on these but there no official camera HE set up yet. If you give it a search you may fine a community integration.
HE hub almost definitely. What ZigBee devices?
Connect these directly to HE
leave these on HUE bridge for the ZigBee lamps. What do you mean by switches? Plug in sockets? If so these on HE. With WiFi it depends on what they are they may or may not be supported. You also may find a community integration if there not officially supported.
Wrong person to ask, because I’m a firm believer in multiple hubs and bridges. Of course you didn’t ask me particularly, but because I am a middle-aged male, I’ll give my opinion; That’s what we do! And to prove I’m a bit mental, I’ll put it in bullet form.
• The Hue is brilliant and the Hubitat Integration is solid. No one was ever better off putting Hue bulbs on their main hub. Keep that bit.
• Aqara is the best hub for Xiaomi and their devices are inexpensive and rock solid when paired to it. Integrated via Homebridge as you have, it’s near perfect. I wouldn’t change that.
• Obviously you need Apple TV 4 for HomeKit automations (or iPad or HomePod), so those should stay because, simple as it is, HomeKit is actually quite good and the Geolocation service works quite well. Much more to come from Apple. That ones a keeper for sure (plus it ties the Aqara hub into Hubitat, so you need that).
• Echo is an excellent voice assistant and TTS device. The Zigbee version is redundant for an HE owner, so don’t bother with those. I find it to be an essential part of the modern smart home.
• The SmartThings hub, well if you have something that needs it and HE cannot control, then it can still be useful. Otherwise it can be unplugged and you can just use the cloud services if you need to. It has served its purpose of getting you to Hubitat where you are truly happy with your home automation I would assume.
I don’t see Lutron Caséta Smart Bridge Pro in your setup. An excellent investment that not only gives you access to the entire Caséta line, but also the brilliant Pico remotes that are also very inexpensive, can control pretty well anything on HE and do a fantastic job of imitating an actual light switch. They can be mounted to look and act like a real light switch in minutes, but are so much more capable than one.
So my recommendation is...Add more!
I have 3 hubitat, 1 ST, 1 hue and a vera edge.
2 hubitat's are split between zigbee on 1 and hubconnect/zwave on the other.
The other HE/Vera are used for my job and the ST one runs 3 pistons that can't be coded for Hubitat RM.
- Zigbee only
- Z-wave only
- ‘Controller’ with cloud related apps & drivers (alexa, WU etc) and quite a lot of virtual switches.
(Along with most of my ‘custom’ apps) - ‘Messenger’ - HubConnect server passing all device data through this hub to other hubs. This hub also does all my ‘averaging’ of devices (Temperature, Lux, & motion with ‘Average All’ app)
- ‘Media’ - all TTS apps (‘Message Central’, ‘Speaker Central’) and speaker connections (Sonos, Chromecast, echo speaks, media renderer)
I have various devices going through “messenger’ to other hubs:
e.g. virtual switches on “controller’ activating ‘speaking’ apps/devices on “Media’
Contact sensors on ‘zigbee’ going to ‘media’ (via messenger) to trigger TTS etc.
So my 2 cents. Just an opinion based on being here for a... while, maybe little while...
Hubitat is awesome, that's why we're here, but it's not great with sending tons of color commands to make smooth animations, nor is it good at managing all of your WiFi or Ethernet devices.
Hubitat does 100% replace SmartThings for me, so that's in a box.
I run Hubitat for all of my Z-Wave/Zigbee devices that aren't RGB.
I run Phillips Hue for anything Zigbee color related.
On top of everything I have a Home Assistant setup running in Ubuntu VM on a 2012 Mac Mini that picks up anything that doesn't fall into those two other categories, because they are Home Assistants only weakness.
My old Mac Mini isn't the newest baby on the lot but she shreds a Raspberry Pi 3 giving the Ubuntu VM only 50% of the possible resources.
In a perfect world Hubitat and Hue would become "containers" connected to USB sticks on my Mac Mini and I'd be rid of hubs, but alas, that day will likely never come...