To Zigbee or not to Zigbee. Is that a question?

That is usually my strategy in anything I do. But in this case, what is the best for the job? If I add Zigbee outdoors, the problem would be building out the mesh for the outbuildings.
I already have Zwave switches and contacts in all the outside buildings but I would like more motion sensors with temperature and a bunch of additional contact sensors. Indoors I would like to add some leak detectors and some more motion sensors.
Indoors I wouldn't have a problem with Zigbee, but outdoors, I just don't have places to wire in something (I really, really don't like plug in repeaters). A cheaper alternative was appealing, but what are they? I don't readily see much cheaper Zigbee devices other than Ikea repeaters and I don't want to rely on plug in repeaters.

Good Points.

My garage tilt sensor is Zwave. Zooz has a multisensor that does motion and temp, as well as an outdoor motion sensor.

Zwave contact sensors? hmmm. Seems like this might be useful, although I have no knowledge of it beyond what you read here: FortrezZ

There are a couple of other things mentioned on this link:

My interior door and window sensors are all Samsung, although I have a Monoprice door sensor I've been meaning to drill my door for...


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