An admittedly dated reference, for a song that pre-dates me... But still something that seems lacking in current popular culture, articulating a dream for people to buy into... One that is not commercially motivated or just... not relevant... Perhaps I am just not as attentive to what the young-folk are aspiring to... Somehow I don't think interest rates and cost of living pressures would make the charts, not that the same pressures weren't around in the time of the Born to Run album...
Still worth a listen 8 months later....
too bad he's all talk
Audio of the full song with lyrics is available...
Pretty sure I’ve seen him play a guitar once or twice.
I love(d) his songs.
He disappointed me.
Nothing at the core.
Not gonna say any more.
(hey, that rhymes)
It's hard for me to get over the person behind the songs, and just enjoy them for what they are. I should work on it, 'cause I still really like the songs, and I'm probably cutting off the nose to spite the face. It would be best if they kept their mouths shut. Perhaps the subject of another @sburke781 early morning thread.
Whatever you enjoy, it's all subjective. I like his songs too.
Looking at the early videos of his live performances.... I may also be swayed by the energy he brings to the concerts in the 80s, again compared to current day performances.... Or his performances in Barcelona....
Yup. People are generally more miserable now. Depression, anxiety, gender confusion, money worries.
The whole thing is batshit.
When I was a teenager, my biggest fears were probably hiding acne and/or unsolicited boners.
Now people can't decide whether or not they're a horse, and how to afford their top-notch rented audi on a supermarket wage.
Not suprised the 'epic' songs are limited nowadays.
Still, can't go wrong with a spot of The Pretty Reckless or a bit of Avenged.
I'm not even certain it's possible to agree with anyone so completely as I agree with your comments in this post.
1 Billion % agreed.
I must be showing my age as when I saw this topic the first thing that came to mind....
"I can tell the story, I can tell it all. About the mountain boy who ran illegal alcohol".
Well this turned out a little differently to what I expected.... Was just meant to be a plug for an established entertainer outlining the background to a defining song.... Both in his career and within the context of the current social and political circumstances. I guess people take that and interpret it in different ways.
Hopefully people don't see it as an overtly political statement, at least from me. "Choose your own adventure.... ", as was a popular literary option when I grew up.
Life is full of (mis) interpretations.
If you're into powerful vocals, check this out. Not the voice you'd imagine coming out of that body. Christ.
Who'd have ever thought the little girl from the Grinch would turn into, well, that.
Seen TPR live 4 times so far. =)
Edit. If you feel like living dangerously, click this link sat next to your partner, and try to convince her you're watching the video "for the music".