So I just got a Third Reality humidity sensor today. It’s zigbee 3.0 it paired without any issues I then compared humidity percentages. I have 3 other humidity sensors that are 1-3 in range of each other. However the new humidity sensor is consistently 7 - 10 away from the others . All sensors are 100% in the same location for testing. I can understand it being 2-3 in difference but 7 - 10 seems like a lot. So the other 3 read 52%, 49%, and 50% . The new sensor is reading 42% humidity . Now far as the temperature goes that’s right on its 1 degree from the others, which it fine.
Any idea what I should try to get it a little more accurate? Or should I just return it and try another one .
That does seem like a lot, but most of these sensors are pretty cheap and are unlikely to use highly accurate sensors or be well calibrated. Many users look at changes in humidity rather than absolute (well, absolute relative...) values to create automations. If you share more about your specific use case, someone can probably make suggestions.
Along those lines, because these do measure relative humidity, the temperature measurement is important, too -- if that's off, it's likely to throw off its humidity calculation, too, and it could explain some of the differences you see.
I see this with humidity sensors I own. Temps are very close to each other, but Humidity can just be off by almost 10 from other sensors.
Easy fix is to just put in the required offset to make it match what you assume is the "real" humidity setting. I use my thermostat humidity reading as the real reading, though I actually have no reason to believe that sensor is correct either. I more just want them to all read the same, doesn't matter if they are off a few %, and for running my humidifier I'm sure I cannot tell the difference if my indoor humidity is 52% or 58% or whatever, as long as it is over 50% I'm good.
I’m not seeing the option to put in a offset for humidity only temperature.
I have a 3rd Reality Temp/Humidity sensor and a stand alone non-smart humidity sensor. The 3rd Reality consistently reads 4% higher than the other. I think they naturally read a little higher.
As stated above I use the difference in humidity between rooms for automations not a fixed number.
Im fine with 3 or 4 however mine is like 8 or 10 . Mine isnt even close . You haven't seen anyway to adjust the offset for humidity?
Only the temp can be offset that I am aware of. I have no knowledge how to offset the humidity. But temp can affect humidity calculations so there is the possibility that if you offset temp that you could draw the humidity closer. Just an idea. I have no proof.
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lol any idea how to use this ? The odd thing is the temperature is right on , it’s only the humidity that’s oof
So say you want to offset your temp by 3 degrees lower than what the sensor shows you would put in a reading three degrees lower. Example. If sensor says it is 60 degrees and you want it to read 57 degrees you would enter 57 in that box then it will take the current reading and offset it by the difference down to 57. Then it will carry that on each time the sensor reports keeping that same gap between sensor and actual.
This action is to be able to match up temps on different sensors since they will read differently. Be nice if they had the same thing for humidity.
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Ah, I see there is none. None in the Generic Zigbee Temp/Humid sensor either.
You may want to try this driver
I've used it with several Zigbee temp/humidity sensors, so I think it will work with 3rd reality maybe? It has a humidity offset in preferences. Worth a shot.
I use the model group TS0201_TH in Advanced options to make the temp sensors report more often, but you shouldn't need Advanced options just to offset humidity.
Edit: Hit initialize after changing the driver. If using advanced options, you need to wake the device to get the updates... usually just hitting the button on the sensor will wake it up.
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Thanks you , you explained that well.
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I hate to ask you , but anyway you could explain how to install this driver? Do you
Open as raw select all , copy
Then go hubitat drivers code then paste in there?
Yes, as you said, paste it in there. Then go to your device page in Devices, and on the Device Info Tab, you can change the Type (which is the driver). Lower left of the options.
You can search once you open the Type drop-down, so just start typing Tuya Temp... and it should pop up. Select it and press Save.
Go back to the Commands Tab, and press Initialize. Check if it works. You can try pressing Refresh and see if it gets a new temp.
_info under Current States may say updates are pending and to wake the device, but the driver is just trying to set the firmware to defaults. It shouldn't matter that it times-out because you are not looking to use the driver to update things in the device.
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Thanks alot , i appreciate it
So I got the driver installed and it looks like it’s talking to the zigbee device. Also there was a humidity offset . However I set the offset to 6 and it shows it in the app but not on the LCD of the third reality sensor. Not sure if it’s pending or what going on . In hubitat I’m seeing 42% humidity and on the third reality lcd I’m seeing 36% humidity.
Yeah, I wish it did change the display as well, but I ran into the same issue with my Sonoff temp humidity sensors that have a display. The offset is not set in the device, it is just applied in the driver to what the device reports via Zigbee.
I also never got the Sonoff sensors reporting as often as I wanted using that driver, though I got them reporting more often. I ditched them because of that, and the fact the display doesn't show the offsets. I was able to get almost instant temp reporting from some MOES temp humidity sensors, without a display, using this driver.
I also hacked a few lines of the driver to give the tenths for temperature reporting, and to allow me to set a temp reporting change of less than 1 degree. This was needed to run my heat from these sensors.
There really should be some manual buttons on the devices to change offsets that actually show on the device displays. I just put the temp display as a temperature tile on a dashboard now for those sensors with no display.
I threw one of those Sonoffs with a display in my basement chest cooler, where exact temperature and instant reporting doesn't really matter.
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Oh i just ordered a sonoff temp/ humidity sensor. Hoping it would be better then my current is third reality , unfortunate you didnt have luck with sonoff . I had a thirdreality temp and humidity in my basement its one with the LCD and its right on with temp and humidity. However its odd the other two i got from Amazon within the last few days are way off on the humidity by 8 to 10 . That's why I went with third reality. Because the one in my basement has worked out so well . I really liked the LCD but i guess if its wrong then it really doesnt matter. I might try a moes and see if that works better .
I bought some of these
I like them as they are very small, and very cheap on AliExpress
If interested, this is the version of the driver where I changed a few lines for temp reporting in tenths. Many thanks to kkossev for writing the driver.
These are my settings that give me temp reports every 30 seconds if it changes. I ended up limiting it to 30 seconds, as it will report more often than that if temp is changing, but more reports means more battery usage, and more processing in my thermostat driver with every temp change.
Oh yeah, I also changed it to allow for .01 sensitivity to keep them reporting even small changes.
These sensors also wake up when you hit the button to get the configs set.
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Awesome, ill try those out . Thanks again for all the advice. I appreciate you!
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