Thingshield replacement for arduino over zigbee now available for hubitat

I just got a nice little extension working. I've used a couple cheap (~$10) E32 LoRa UART modules to send serial commands to/from the MonaLisa over LoRa (which then of course go to/from the smart hub). So you can send a command from a distant (3km in theory!) LoRa node, to a LoRa node hooked up to the MonaLisa, which then gets relayed to the hub. And you can send a command from the hub to MonaLisa, which is passed to the connected LoRa node, which then gets relayed to the distant LoRa node.
I've added some more detailed instructions in the MonaLisa documention guide towards the bottom. The only mildly challenging part is that you have to hook one LoRa module up to an arduino first and run a sketch once, to set the baud rate of the module from 9600 (default) to 38400 (used by the MonaLisa).