PC Board design with protected I/O but without the "shield" connection functions.
I had such good luck with Dr Haas's board I decided to make a simple interface board. I stripped away the "shield" plugin capability and add some Input and output protection. This allowed me to drop the size to:
- Carrier board only: 34 mm X 58 mm
- Carrier board with cc2530 attached: 45 mm X 58 mm
I retained the LED's and the Zigbee repair button. But added:
- Two of the analog inputs have places for input dividers, RF filters and a transient filter.
- The other two only have dividers and RF filtering.
- Digital inputs have simple RF filtering.
I purchased my boards from OSHPark and have built and tested one. The components are surface mount as I find them easier than through holes. I realize not everyone is as comfortable as I am soldering small devices. But I like to keep compact "tight" designs.
I have not yet authorized release of the design by OSHPark but will do so if anyone is interested. I will also put up a BOM and Schematic. Neither of these are too exciting.
I've already posted the process I made to update the firmware on the cc2530 board using a nodeMCU board. This makes the process much easier as both are 3.3V boards so there is no level shifting required.