I'm trying to have temperature-controlled thermostat accordingly to the AC - which is 1 degree of C per click, and seems like template on Dashboard is not respecting Device settings
I need to be able to jump 20,21,22,23, not 20,20.5,21,21.5 - this level of precision is not supported by AC
Is there any hack, settings, I've missed?
Is this a bug of Hubitat core?
How could I accomplish click/1 degree settings for Thermostat template in Hubitat dashboard?
Hysterersis means number of C where thermostat doesnt react, to save frequent on/off changes. So if you have target temperature 23C and hysteresis 1C, it means that thermostat will turn on once the room temperature will fall to 22C or bellow and will turn off when it reach 24C.
Steps for setting desired temperature are by default 0,5C.
That's must be a C issue due to the 1.8/1 conversion. Using F here and mine changes by whole numbers not decimals. Not knowing how C thermostats operate, are most whole number or factions? Seems 0.5 would be a better config, maybe newer units have more precession?
Interesting side note.
My new GoControl theremostat that replaced my wonky Honeywell doesn't do 0.5 degrees like my old Honeywell did. I'm getting rid of it and replacing with a new Honeywell as we miss 0.5C; 1 dergree is too much with hysteresis in C.
Point is when I adjust my dashboard from 17 to 17.5, even though my thermostat doesn't support half degrees, it jump all by itself to the next whole number. Same thing happens from WebCore, I send anything 0.5 and it shows up on the thermostat as a whole number.
This is with the Generic driver so maybe try that if you are using a device specific driver?
I was trying VIrtual Thermostat driver
No luck, It sends numbers with decimalpoint to my AC ( Cooper & Hunter ( GREE like )) which ignores number.
I'm working on a custom driver, with some workarounds to 0.5 step
This is one thing I miss from SmartThings. There the temperature sensors would report every change at 0.1C. I could keep my rooms at a constant temperature, whereas with HE the best I can do is 0.25 which, in the worst case, coupled with extended update times of up to a couple of hours, can result in swings of up to a degree and a half either side of the setpoint. That’s cool 18.5 to a warm 21.5. Doesn’t seem to be any way of changing it either. I may just have to go back to ST for my heating...
This "lack of precision" is a problem in the Daikin mini-split drivers that have been created, as well. I'm in the US so use Fahrenheit, but I think all drivers were created by those who use Celsius, as were the units themselves. The drivers display Fahrenheit and allow the controls to use it for temperature setting changes, but it's far from precise and will often revert to a lower or higher setting unless you "guess" the number of clicks needed to get things "close". It's a PITA as I'd like to remove the horrible Daikin IR remotes from our guest house, replacing them with an iPad the could control things with a Hubitat dashboard. I'm just not savvy enough to recode the driver.
@bravenel has this issue been solved yet, or on the horizon?
specifically, being able to change the Temp Up/Temp Down button increment size from default 0.5 degrees? This limitation makes it unusable for a lot of HVAC devices around the world which use Celcius controllers.
(i use the Thermostat Tile with the built-in Virtual Thermostat).
This results in 'flaky' results for users who press the button (once) and get no response from the system.
Its a simple fix, which would make the tile usable - god forbid - outside the US.