Looking for a way to set my fan on heat/ac to run on a schedule. On for 15 minutes every hour. Back to “auto” for the remainder. I can’t seem to figure out a way to do that? What am I missing? I’ve got a Zwave thermostat and I’m using the thermostat controller app.
I’m sure whatever it is is obvious… but I can’t figure it out.
In Thermostat Controller, you can turn on Restrictions, and basically take it out of action for that hour:
Then use Rule Machine to control your thermostat directly during that period.
Oof. While I see how that would work I can’t automate it to every hour x 15 minutes. Instead I’d have to create 24 restrictions? And 24 rule machine rules?
This was something I did easily with smart things and iftt. But the fan mode doesn’t appear to be accessible in iftt.
Why are you using Thermostat Controller? Sorry, I misunderstood your original post. By "why", I mean what functionality are you using it for.
Averaging temperatures from many temp sensors.
If I creat a rule to turn the fan to on and make one for each hour. Then make another rule that triggers based on fan “on” to switch to auto, with a delay, will that work as the off to the other rule?
You can use a Periodic Schedule trigger for once an hour. Turn the fan to on, turn it back to fan auto with 15 minute delay. I don't think that Thermostat Controller is messing with the fan setting at all -- so that should work.
Thanks knew I was missing something. Will this do the job?
You're making it more complicated than it needs to be.
The 'Every 1 hour starting at 12:00 PM' is from Periodic Schedule.
Thanks. I knew I was missing something, but admittedly this isn’t all intuitive and obvious. Thanks for the help. Hoping this one works.