Thermostat dashboard not functioning

Thank you that did it.

ok, I'll check the code tonight and see what the problem is.

I see what Bruce pointed out and will correct it for the next version. But it's kind of weird that it's working correctly on my end and was not working on yours. I was using the same fix I had sent you a week or so ago.

I did a quick look at the driver code and every place that I found had the quotes and appeared to be formatted correctly. So obviously there is more to it, or I missed something.

The last update did fix the problem I was having in RM, but as I mentioned I don't really use the dashboards in a browser that often. Also the dashboard in the mobile app worked so it's probably been this way for awhile. If I had not added that sensor to one of my thermostats I probably would not have noticed it for quite some time if ever.

My Tuya thermostat driver showed up in HomeKit after formatting the supportedThermostatModes this way :

import groovy.json.*
sendEvent(name: "supportedThermostatModes", value: JsonOutput.toJson(["heat", "cool", "auto", "off"]))

But there is something more here that needs to be changed. The above formatting is not enough.
If you temporarily change the device driver to the inbuilt "Virtual Thermstat", it will show up in HomeKit. When you revert back to the Advanced vThermostat Device, it will disappear from Home application, even with the supportedThermostatModes properly formatted as JSON object.

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