I've had a thermostat controller set up for awhile now and it has been working quite well up until just recently.
Since roughly the last Hubitat update the controller has been randomly turning itself off (eg: no heating or cooling, just off - the physical thermostat then resorts to it's normal heating/cooling), and I've also noticed that at times, when it's not 'off', that even though I have hysteresis set to 0.5, it sometimes doesn't actually begin heating until it's 1 - 1.5 degrees cooler than the setpoint.
Also, when I click the where the controller says, "Mode Off" in the dashboard, a window pops up that I would normally expect to see an option to change it to "On" or "Heating" or, something, but it's just a blank window with no options available.
Anyone else experiencing this or have any insight for me?
Haven't experienced your exact issues, but note that for the past week or so it has not been operating per schedule. Heat came on approximately 30 minutes late this morning and the Away temperature setpoint was never effected so heat remained at Wake setpoint. Am currently running, but can't say that this started with the latest update.
Perhaps someone can tell me what I'm missing? It is currently about 10 minutes after sunrise and the house temp is 62 degrees on Monday morning. As seen below, thermostat app should have triggered at sunrise to set the setpoint to 67 degrees. But, as I've seen in random recent days, it doesn't seem to activate as programmed. Heater is still off, thinking that the temp is above the incorrect setpoint.