There are no hubs associated with e-mail ******@******

Hey guys,

Just got my replacement C7 today after the first one one was DOA. Long story short, seems I've tried it all and can't figure this out: there are not hubs associated with e-mail which I used to register. This means I can't use the app or connect to google home. I tried every possible option in the home screen, also changed to reserved IP, reset router and hub etc. and it never appears that the hub is registered to an e-mail, which means I can't access cloud services if I'm not mistaken. It appears I'm connected DHCP so I have no idea what it could be thats causing the issue. Any tips how to get this all going?

Thanks so much,


Send a PM to @bobbyd with your mac addr and your uid (don't post these publicly) and ask him the email they're registered under.

Go to and log in there, go to registered hubs. What do you see there?

Also on the hub go to settings > Hub details, check the Emails Linked to This hub at the bottom. What is there? (Mine is currently blank so not sure if thats just me or this is broken currently) Normally it would show the registered email.

When i go to portal and check registered hubs, same result: there are no registered hubs on this email.

On settings page > hub details, all it shows is Emails Linked to this Hub - You can manage this registration by logging into My Account. When I click my account, same result as above!

Are you updated to platform 2.4.0?

On the old platform on the "Home" page there would be a tile that said something about registering your hub. Can you see if you have that anywhere? If you do, the hub is not actually registered.

@bobbyD or @bertabcd1234 not sure what this tile would look like in the new UI? The docs I found still have the old UI for those screenshots.

Or how we can tell if the hub is registered and what email it is registered too?


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Yes, I'm on version

I checked every settings tab, there is no available registration card/link as it appears there used to be in older version.

One last thought, if you have not set that hub up yet you could go to the diagnostic tool, advanced, and do a FULL RESET. That will wipe out everything and any registration as well. If you already set it up maybe hang tight for staff to give more info.

In fact I did a soft reset via diagnostic tool, as well as network reset using the bottom hub button. When hub reboots and I input credentials, it says hub is registered and then again, going back into my account shows it's not associated to email. Quite the head scratcher haha but thanks for your input!

A soft reset does not clear the registration. I think it is just looking for you to log into the same account again. So if the hub is not setup I would try the full reset, that should force the hub to actually re-register when you set it up again. :crossed_fingers:

Looks like this: