Hey everyone, this has been going on since I initially set up the Hubitat. It happens about once a day on average. I'll say something to the Assistant or tap a button on the Hub and it won't respond for a few seconds, followed by the message in the title (the first on screen, the second spoken). If I use the dashboard on my phone connected to the same network it works right away.
My setup is:
A Tenda MW5 five-node mesh network, with the Hubitat plugged directly into one of the nodes' ethernet ports.
A variety of Tradfri and Sengled bulbs paired with the Hubitat.
Three Nest Hubs, all exhibit the problem including one that is physically less than a meter from mesh node the Hubitat is plugged into.
An NVidia Shield that also occasionally exhibits the problem.
From reading other threads about similar problems it seems the consensus is that there is a connectivity issue but I'm not sure how to go about diagnosing it. The "Google Home" log is empty save for a couple of info entries from a week ago. Log entries for the different bulbs don't indicate anything useful.
Can someone give me some tips for troubleshooting this? Surely it's not still the memory leak problem that people were rebooting their Hubitats over in 2019?