The First Certified Z-Wave Long Range Device is Here

We've been told that older mesh networks can co-exist with the LR star topology... here's my question: will devices paired to an LR controller as legacy mesh-style devices be requird to use S2 auth or S2 access? I have a ton of devices that won't support these methods, as i suspect do many others. S2 unauth is as far as they go...

Yes it can


No.. legacy mesh devices will not require S2


I am spinning up a new network soon using a C8 and ZEN76/77 S2 switches and dimmers which are 800LR compatible. I have looked all over and I don't see it actually said that the C8 supports LR with current firmware.....does it ? Safe assumption that all the LR stuff will be star while the older stuff will be legacy mesh ? Can a legacy 500 battery powered sensor use a ZEN76 for backhaul ??

Much appreciated

Current firmware doesn’t support LR. @bcopeland might have an idea of when one that does support it with the C-8 will be available.


I keep seeing a lot about S2 vs S0. I have a C5 and I'm guessing it doesn't even support S2 because I see no options or anything saying S2 anywhere, is this correct?

Correct, S2 was added with the C7.

If you pair it as traditional zwave then it can mesh with all the other devices. If paired as LR they do not route for other devices. I did confirm this here: Z-Wave Long Range unlocks new possibilities for IoT automation

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What would everyones switch of choice be with a new C8...starting from scratch ?

Thanks...great read!

My go-to are Inovelli. They have them in Zigbee (Blue) and Z-Wave (Red). They have been out of stock for a bit - they keep producing more than they think will sell, and then they sell out after a few weeks. I understand however that they have a shipment that is on its way so should have some in stock in a week or so.


I never used them, my current network is a mix of Jasco zwave gen1, some zwave plus, some zoom switches and ge enbrighten zigbee. I want to stick to one kind if possible in my next network. I am looking into the Zoom 800 series S2 switches and dimmers.

I saw the new Zooz switches in a July 4th ad.
Will long range battery devices also be available at some point?
Do we have any idea when Hubitat will support long range z-wave? @bcopeland ?

@velvetfoot Exactly the deal was too good to pass up. I have a C4,C5,C7 & now C8 really hoping this feature comes quick. I ordered the C8 blindly with no real need for it but now I have a network to build.

@JDiGangi Are you actually replacing all your in-wall switches, or moving to a new house? I'd be crazy to replace mine since they're only a couple years old.

@velvetfoot Another home, not crazy enough to toss every switch I have lol

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Never mind that, at some point with all the movement, the conductors in the switch boxes might protest.