Template to use for Model WXKG12LM: Aqara Button

Hi all,

Ive just bought an Aqara Model WXKG12LM: button. I can see in the driver when i press it, double click etc, but cant get any of the obvious dashboard templates to show this. Should they? or shall i just use it in rules etc.


What are you looking to do? Show the last type of button press you did? I'm not sure why you'd want to do that on a Dashboard, but if you do: Hubitat has up to four types of button events (pushed, held, released, and doubleTapped--and it looks like this diver reports all four), the last button number used for each of these events gets saved to its own, attribute (bearing these names). There is no one big "button" attribute that will show you the last event and number. Since it's a custom driver, one could certainly be added, but then you'd be looking an Attribute template on the Dashboard with a custom attribute instead.

If you want to be able to use the button on a Dashboard as an alternative to pressing the physical button, some drivers implement commands you can use to perform the same action in the driver as if a certain button event were performed (e.g., "button 1 pushed") via a Dashboard tile. The Xiaomi driver does not look like it does this. Again, since it's a custom driver, if you really wanted to, this could be added.

If you could clarify what you wanted to do, that would help someone guide you in the right direction. But:

...yes, this is what most people do with button devices: use them to cause other things to happen, like turning on or adjusting lights/fans/blinds, changing modes, or whatever you actually want to do.

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