Switchbot Hub2, can see meter values but no IR control

TomW, thanks for your integration, I got excited to install it and control my AV setup using HE and Switchbot's Hub2.

Although I've had HE for some time now, haven't done much with it but slowly getting up to speed. Past experiences with SmartThings, HomeSeer, and HAI Omni.

I've installed the Switchbot System virtual device, configured API and secret, can see "comm:good", all of the child devices are there, on the Hub device I see my temperature and humidity. Switchbot Events has my hub selected. But when I try to turn ON one of my child devices, it doesn't turn ON.

Deleted everything, re-installed, rebooted numerous times, all with the same results. Pilot error on my part, or is something broken in on my C-5?

Please post in this thread: SwitchBot gets an open API! - #17 by tomw

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