Switch for coffee pot turned on without log

I have an outlet setup just for my coffee pot. I manually switch it on by Google or from control panel. I have safe guards in place such as a push notification and a rule that turns it off after 1 hour.

Crazy part is o go downstairs at 10:30 at night and my coffee pot is making coffee. No event logs show that the coffee was turned on. No push notifications to my wife's phone or mine. Everyone in the house has been asleep for at least an hour and it couldn't have been on for more than 10 minutes before I caught it.

Checked my Google activity and none of my Google commands did it. I'm stumped and not sure I trust it anymore. Any ideas??

Did you look in the events for the device? What type of outlet is it?

Yes I looked at events within the device and nothing is logged there.

It's a GE Zwave outlet using the generic Zwave outlet driver. I have a couple of these in the house and they work great. This is the first time I've seen this type of issue.

If there is no event in the events page, I doubt that it was HE that commanded it to turn on. They are little mini-processors. So, it's possible it turned itself on because it received a message. This is why I don't have anything that could be a safety hazard wired into smart switches. There was a guy who wanted to wire his garbage disposal through a smart switch...can you imagine that?!?

Well even if you manually press the button it logs it in the event logs. If Google assistant asks it to turn on it triggers an event. That is the confusing part. That is crazy about the garbage disposal. No way I'd trust that.