Support for Aeotec Smart Dimmer ZW099 (US ZW099-A02) (by Aeon Labs)?

I can't find anything at all on support for the multiple Aeotec Smart Dimmer ZW099-A02 (by Aeon Labs). I tried using similar drivers but they do not seem to even get them to turn on or off even though I can pair it and it comes up as device type device. I can't imagine these aren't really supported or even listed as non-supported so please point out where I've missed something if I have.

I tried selecting this device type but with no good results and trying to add it directly as this device type resulted in it being added as type device.
Not Aeotec Smart Switch 6 ZW096-A02

Ideally get all the functionality working including on off, dimming, power management, etc.

Device info:
deviceType: 259
outClusters: 0x5A,0x82
deviceId: 99
inClusters: 0x5E,0x26,0x33,0x32,0x81,0x60,0x8E,0x27,0x70,0x85,0x59,0x72,0x86,0x7A,0x73
manufacturer: 134

Aeotec tech spec page

The ZW099 is not on the supported devices list.

It appears to be a discontinued product.

A custom driver was apparently needed for SmartThings - documented here: SmartThings/Aeon SmartDimmer 6 at master · robertvandervoort/SmartThings · GitHub

I have two of these as well. Can the built in driver for related smart switch (ZW096) be modified to support these devices. I suspect that they are very similar.

Unlikely. Dimmers and binary switches are quite different.

You might consider porting to Hubitat the SmartThings DTH linked to by @Eric.C.Miller above. This thread should get you started: