Sunset Trigger for A Trigger Not Working

So, I saw in the latest fix that there was a fix for sunset with offset as a condition. Any chance this broke using sunset as a trigger for a trigger or a triggered rule? Having a heck of a time figuring out why nothing worked at sundown.

I had a similar problem. Did you go into your rules and re-click Done to set them (as mentioned in the release notes) ?

I did that, but it did not work and my sunset rules did not run.

Mixed results by the sound of it.
I read the release notes and did as requested and had no issues.
It would be nice not to have to re-visit rules after an update but I suppose thats the nature of the beast.

Yup, I sure did.

Or there was an App that “auto runs” all the existing App’s “Done” buttons. :woozy_face:

A lot of my sunset, sunrise, and before sunset & sunrise stuff didn't work right yesterday or this morning after upgrading. I went in to all the rules today and hit Done, everything seems to have worked this afternoon as far as I can tell. Hopefully tomorrow morning will be ok too.

Mine didn't work in the evening after hitting done on all my rules.

I hit Done yesterday after upgrading as instructed and several failed anyway last night or this morning. Hit done again today and checked schedules and seemed ok, and events fired as expected. Not sure what the deal is/was. All was ok tonight, hoping for ok tomorrow morning. Will see. I noticed new events scheduled after hitting done the second time.

Here's something to throw out there.
Create a virtual switch.
Now create a trigger.
Virtual device turns on.
Evaluate Rules.
List all rules.

My question is, would this be effectively doing the same as going into each rule and clicking 'Done'.
Just throwing it out there.

I don't think so. Evaluating a rule and jupdating a rule in the database aren't the same thing. I'm assuming you have to hit done because something has to get saved.

My Before Sunrise rules didn't run this morning.

And mine did. LOL. Too odd. Something weird is definitely going on.

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My sunrise simple lighting rule did not work....

My porch light turned off at sunrise this morning.
This is an RM rule.
Are these failures app related?

Simple Lighting was broken in a hot fix release, and a new one to fix it is coming out soon.

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I did the update, I created a SL rule for test, is not supposed to show something in the scheduled jobs?


I think I found something, my previous post shows no scheduled jobs, if I add -15 offset for sunrise then it does the schedule, if I delete the -15 it will delete the scheduled job too, are this correct? Or?

I can confirm that my rule worked fine with -1 this sunrise.

For sunset there is no scheduled job, just a subscription to the hub sunset event. See if that is there.

Has the hot fix been released yet?