Sunrise / Sunset is off?

I have 3 hubs connected by hub mesh and I noticed my sunset and sunrise are off and not correct. I have a few lighting automations that turn on and off with these times and I noticed a few have not turned on and it’s pitch black out.

Any idea how to correct this?

Latitude/longitude values are definitely not for Eastern seaboard.

Those coordinates appear to be north-central Kansas.

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How is this set?

You can enter the correct Lat/Long in that window. You can find your exact Lat/Long using and right clicking on your location.
Screenshot 2022-10-03 17.24.21

(Where I was stationed for over a year.)

Apparently when you click on the button "Update from Browser" it takes the time and removes the zip code and changed my coordinates to a completely different locale. So I went back and made sure each of my hubs has my zip code which shows the correct location now.

Browser geolocation is often pretty bad. When I shop online stores with my desktop, it almost always picks someplace a couple hours (or more) away from my real location. Probably because I am blocking a certain port or have some feature purposely turned off in my browser. Don't know, don't care because I am not disclosing my exact details at all times.

Agreed. I must have clicked that by mistake at some point in my delusional state since tearing apart my system and re-setting it up over the last 4 days.

I had this issue on a hub I setup for my parents. I configured it at my house and then moved it to their house a few hours away. The Sunrise/Sunset were way off even though we are in the same timezone. If I remember correctly, I changed the timezone to something else, saved it and maybe rebooted the hub. Then I changed the timezone back to the correct one and the sunrise/sunset became correct. At least I think that's what I did to correct it.

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I just feel like it’s something that during the setup process should be identified easily to not get messed up. It shouldn’t have even been an issue but some how it caused a significant issue in my setup.

Different browsers use different location settings.
If you are in the Androidiverse, Chrome will likely have your real location (open Google maps and it will show you. )
Other browsers will use your ISP settings, my work computer shows my location in California when using Edge and I work in a Washington state government office.

You poor soul.

Granted, that was 30+ years ago and the boat is now scrap.

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