Suggestions for speakers, etc. for announcements

Aug '22, me.

Still in use. No issues.

For speech, you can easily just run all the speakers in series; volume drops, but just compensate. The weirdness of series speakers will never happen in his described use case.

This topic has been idle for a bit. im hoping during this time some solution has come about.

I'm looking to make announcements on speakers but i have some requirements similar to others.
I don't want to use any speakers that require a cloud account or require internet access.
I don't use any speakers that require the hub to have Internet access.

I am not aware of any significant changes in the area of 100% local Text to Speech (TTS) devices.

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@john66public is asking if there are any new TTS solutions that are 100.00% local since this thread was created (only about 9 months ago, so it’s not exactly ancient history).

What are you talking about :face_with_monocle:?


Tried to get Chromecast app and notification app to send a TTS notificatio to a nest home hub. I failed. I was able to use the chromecast app to see the nest mini's and the nest hub and was able to craft a notification to send. But the only thing that happened was a sort of chime sound from the nest hub followed by the chromecast app going into an error loop which could only be stopped by uninstalling the chromecast app. I even tried a RM app to initialize the hub once a minute. No difference.