As a heavy user of the Maker API, I think it's terrific, but there are a few ideas I have that can improve it.
Right now, it's sole functionality is to support controlling devices, and via the post API, receiving device status.
- Allow "rgb(red, green, blue)" and #ff00ff style values to set an RGB controllers color (right now it takes a HSV JavaScript style Object as JSON.
- Allow post to the API to pass arguments and structures. Rather than relying on GET with awkward query string arguments, you could POST and send along a comprehensive JavaScript/JSON Object with comprehensive information/arguments.
- Do more than monitor and control devices: Notification that an update is ready, for example.
- Commands to check for updates, reboot the hub, get hub details, list apps, start and stop apps.
- Ability to fetch and clear system events and logs, per device.
If anyone else has suggestions, feel free to add them here.