Suggestions for Maker API

As a heavy user of the Maker API, I think it's terrific, but there are a few ideas I have that can improve it.

Right now, it's sole functionality is to support controlling devices, and via the post API, receiving device status.


  1. Allow "rgb(red, green, blue)" and #ff00ff style values to set an RGB controllers color (right now it takes a HSV JavaScript style Object as JSON.
  2. Allow post to the API to pass arguments and structures. Rather than relying on GET with awkward query string arguments, you could POST and send along a comprehensive JavaScript/JSON Object with comprehensive information/arguments.
  3. Do more than monitor and control devices: Notification that an update is ready, for example.
  4. Commands to check for updates, reboot the hub, get hub details, list apps, start and stop apps.
  5. Ability to fetch and clear system events and logs, per device.

If anyone else has suggestions, feel free to add them here.


Press, double-press, and long-press a button from MakerAPI. It's so damned annoying that button devices don't include these 3 commands (whereas every other device does include their basic functions, such as a switch allowing "on" & "off"). Duh, give us the ability to command a button directly for pities sake. And don't talk to me about a workaround involving a virtual button. Do we have to do this for any other device? No.

Ok, i know. This isn't a MakerAPI problem, it's a button driver issue, but I just don't freaking get it. Markus did agree to add this to his various button drivers but with his departure it hasn't happened (yet). I still live in hope.

I second all this!

BTW: Any news?