Suggestion: Main Menu layout order

Though I don't have OCD (or its even more exacting twin affliction, CDO), it occurs to me that the layout of items in Hubitat's main menu might be less than optimal at present. Not saying everything should be in alphabetical order, but from a functional perspective – since so many of the UI is sorted that way – the arrangement I'm showing here makes sense to me.

So thought I'd share for your consideration.


Got my vote! +1 (which of course is worth zero!).

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You forgot the green Hubitat at the top is also a menu item. So that is also not in alphabetical order.

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I'd love to be able to reorder the items myself, and have the new order stick.

I'd also love for the little expand/contract for the Developer options to be sticky.

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Personally I would order it like this:


Because thats the logical order you would use them. Add a device, add it to a room, than setup an app with those devices. :man_shrugging:t2:

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