It would be nice if the DONE button was necessary to save your edit of a rule. As it is now the rule gets updated often without hitting DONE. Sometimes I find myself in a sticky situation and I would like to just click the back arrow, or click on APPS to exit an edit without saving the changes I've made. I know this is possibly a big request, but something to consider in the future.
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I'm not saying your suggestion is not a good one, but what some people do, including me, is clone the rule you want to edit.
Then make the changes to the cloned rule. If your not happy you can just delete it and maybe start again.
When you have made the changes, STOP, the original rule and let the new rule run. If it is OK you can then delete the old rule at your leisure.
Just something to consider in the meantime.
"Done" is a very confusing UI concept in HE. Am I saving? Am I just returning back one nested level? I find it extremely difficult to figure out what is going to happen and when with "Done".
See the following thread. Seems that what you want (a CANCEL button) is coming.