Stuck "Verifying Download" for 12 hours!

My five-day-old Hubitat HE said there was a download available yesterday. It claimed to have downloaded it but has now been "verifying" the download for 12 hours.

Is this normal? Other than seeming a bit sluggish, the hub seems otherwise functional.

No, this is not normal. Try stopping and restarting the update process.

This not normal, but it might be a symptom of another issue...:thinking:

Please reach out to Since you are most likely running a C-5 Hub, you may be experiencing a known issue with regard to the hub's network port's auto-negotiation feature. @bobbyD and the Hubitat support team will be able to tell you pretty quickly, and they have a fix for that particular issue as well.


Sorry for the troubles. Please check your private messages (upper right corner). It appears that your hub may be connected to an incompatible network switch. I sent you a message with further details.

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Hello Bobby,

I have this problem with a friend's system, he has c5 and a netgear orbi modem/router combo, eventually the hub took the update but it was longer than usual, and the remote access is very slow too, compared to my hubs and another friend with orbi but he has c4.


Sounds remarkably like the Ethernet port incompatibility. Please PM the hub details and I can confirm.

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Out of curiosity, considering my equipment is pretty much the definition of high-end standard, what makes a router/switch "incompatible"?

There is an incompatibility between the Ethernet port on the C-5 hubs and certain network switches that are set to auto-negotiate the link.

I'm having the same issue. It just started recently, and I have the same hardware in place that I have used to successfully update many times. Stuck on "Verifying Update". Any suggestions?

I had the same issue, but a restart of the hub solved it for me.

I too experienced a weird hub slowdown. I have my new Hubitat connected to a TP-Link gigabit switch which is connected to a Netgear switch which is ultimately connected to an Ethernet port on my Orbi router. I had to move the HE to another location to allow Zwave inclusion for my Dome Valve and performed a shut down and connected it to a port on one of the Orbi Satellites. This worked fine. After completion, I performed another shut down and put the Hubitat back in its original location HE --> TP Link --> Netgear Switch --> Orbi. I performed a Zwave repair and HE became very slow and I could not connect to the web configuration page (even though the repair showed complete). Eventually the hub settled down and I could connect to it once more.

Were your automations slow, or was accessing the HE web page slow? If it was the latter, this may be the LAN autonegotiate issue that crops up with some network hardware. If this is the issue, contact support, they can help you fix it by disabling LAN autonegotiation.

Accessing the HE web page was slow and non responsive on most of my devices. I managed to recover, but took an hour or so. It did occur when I moved the HE from direct connect to an Orbi Satellite back to its home location connected to a switch. I'll shoot support an email. Thanks!