That isn’t coming through for me either.
There were some devices that I unselected because I don’t plan to use them, and some that aren’t coming through like running cycle and pet weight (but show up in the devices that can be selected). Litter level percentage, waste drawer percentage, night light, and last scene are the ones I have currently.
I could work with the "Status Code" changing from "Ready" to "Clean cycle in Progress"
Or I could work with the "Litter Box" changing from "Docked" to Cleaning"
I think I have at least the "Status" code set to come through
I even tried to add the "HA Object ID" to Hubitat (advanced options in the HA app) -- no dice. Will continue to wait
It is of "vacuum" type in HA -- that may be part of it, Hubitat not understanding that --
But Pet Weight and Status Code are "sensor" type -- and other "sensor" types are coming through (litter level, waste drawer)
So far, I am not getting any of these -- and sounds like you aren't either.
Status = vacuum.esti_s_litter_robot_4_litter_box
Pet Weight = sensor.esti_s_litter_robot_4_pet_weight
Status Code = sensor.esti_s_litter_robot_4_status_code
You are correct. You could try turning on debug logging in the HADB driver and then throwing something into the litter box so that it records an event and runs a cycle. Then post that info into the HADB thread to see if anyone knows how to get it working. It may just need a modification to one of the drivers to pick it up.
Also, look at the HA pull requests for Nate Spencer’s LR automation. As I noted at the beginning of this thread, it’s in active development, many changes ongoing. This may be something that’s not fully mature.