Stringify support

Ah, yeah, that makes sense. We have some optimizations to do (especially with IF conditions which currently query for the state rather than re-use the event data).

And thanks for the comparisons - both good and bad. It's helpful to hear the feedback on the 'pros and cons' so we can understand it and take appropriate action. I really appreciate the comments!


Thanks for the Stringify tip. I haven't used it in a while so I appreciate the pointers. I just threw this example together without much thought.

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My used case was for bond which I brought to control my fans and it only works with Ifttt and I can't do and statements with Ifttt. When. With stringify I can build more complex rules.

In the meantime, have you tried using the IFTTT input and output with Stringify?

I am going to bump this as I just got an email stating the the ifttt notifications on my xfinity X1 boxes are being discontinued for stringify.