String variable connector not updating since 2.2.4

I have a global string variable with a connector attached to that I surface on a dashboard using a Variable String template. It appears that the connector value hasn't been updated since I applied 2.2.4 (with the subsequent hotfixes and rollback applied as well).

In the logs, I'm seeing

Perhaps related to bug fix for 'ringing' with string variable connectors that appeared in 2.2.4?

How are you setting this value? Is it from the Dashboard? Otherwise it looks like whatever app you're using is passing a second argument and the command only takes one (the new value). If it's Dashboard, that's something they'll have to fix, otherwise it's an issue with whatever app it is.

I just tried to see if I could replicate this problem, but I can't seem to figure out how to create GV connectors on 2.2.4 anymore with the new GV interface, so if someone can tell me if I'm missing something or if this just got missed in the 2.2.4 update, I'd be curious... :slight_smile:

The global variable is set by a rule that triggers on any motion detector, with a single action

Set LastMotionPlace to '%device% at %time%'

To create a new global variable, click on the grey box "Create, Set, or Delete Global Variables" (that isn't obvious). Then click New on the last row of the list.

Actually, not certain that the Set isn't the issue. If I go the device named the global variable (which appears to be the sensor). I can Set Variable there and it passes through the connector to the dashboard

dev:6262020-11-18 10:15:59.508 pm infoLastMotionPlace variable is Billiard Room at 9:15 PM

Until I did that, though, the last time the connector value in the dashboard updated was moments before I upgraded to 2.2.4.

Are you seeing events from the motion detector(s)?

Thanks, I missed the link in the new table for the connector--and already happened to have created one for the variable in question anyway!

So is the issue really with the GV itself not getting updated? (To set the value from a rule, you of course don't need the connector.) I just created a simple rule and was able to successfully set the value of the GV, and the GV connector followed suit without problems in either area:

Rule screenshot with setting GV

Logs screenshot

I know this isn't directly helpful for you, but if it's what you're trying, I guess it at least shows that it's not broken at the platform level. This is, by the way (if you updated to .142, I'm sure you've heard to roll back by now, but if not, that may be related). Maybe try removing and re-adding that action?

Also, the device in the logs appears to be a virtual ominisensor, and I wrote the above thinking it was a GV connector. Is your rule really running a custom command, setVariable(), on the virtual omnisensor device? For fun, I tried that too. :slight_smile:

Rule screenshot with setVariable command on virtual omni device

Same, correct results:

Maybe make sure you didn't accidentally add a second parameter (apparently a boolean) to that custom action?

Yes, the rule that sets the global variable is getting triggered.

I think so. I can repro this at will with this rule:

The global variable gets set:

But apparently the connector doesn't update because the dashboard tile doesn't change:

Meanwhile, this error is thrown by "LastMotionPlace":

I'm on, rolled back from .142, but I know this issue started based on the last dashboard tile update Monday around 3 PM, which was moments before I applied the upgrade to 2.2.4.

Welp, I created a new global variable and connector and am using that exactly like the old one, but it seems to be working now.

I wonder if there was something peculiar about the global variable I was using. It apparently had motion capability, as the global variable would appear in the list of motion devices when setting up a motion triggers. When I saw reference in the log to OmniSensor, I figured maybe a Connector was just a virtual omnisensor. It doesn't look like the new one does, though.

Anyway, the issue is solved for me, though others may encounter it. My rule, dashboard use of it, and connector have been around unchanged since the day connector functionality was first released and has worked fine until 2.2.4 update.