Stopping a rule even if it meets conditions

I have a rule for closing shades when taking a shower. If the humidity is still meeting the conditions, the rule runs again. How do I stop the rule until the next actual shower?

idity compare.

There is a community app for humidity and bathroom fans that many use. I did my own crazy rules but it works for me. For each bathroom I have a rule that sets a global variable capturing the humidity when the light is turned on. Then another rule will turn on the fan if the humidity goes X% above the captured value. It will then run until it falls below the captured variable (plus a couple since it could take forever to get back to the base value.) So using some captured base line of the actual bathroom humidity could help you here too I think.

I think this is the one @tivomaniac means...

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That's the one.

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I played with it for a while. I can't recall if it could be used to adjust shades but one could certainly finagle something with a virtual fan and RM.

I tried using the Bathroom humidity fan initially and I found setting up my own rule worked better. I had only one sensor in the summer and it worked fine with a +15 in humidity. Now that it's winter, humidity is not very consistent in my house, so I added a comparison sensor. The humidity stays high in the bathroom without window being open and no fan. The rule keeps re-initiating itself. I though about using exit but I am not sure that will stop it.

If you just don't want it running till the next day how about a 12 hour wait after it turns off? Or one until it's after Sunset+15 minutes.

Since there are two ppl using the shower without set times, 12 hours won't work. I am going to try a delay of 30 minutes and see if that will stop it.

I stuck an Aeotec Multisensor in the shower. It reports humidity as well as motion and it has enough water resistance for it not to be an issue. I use it to control the fan and the light.

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You want a "wait" action instead of "delay" as delays do not get auto-cancelled. The first time the rule is triggered, that 15 minute delay will start and will not be reset. If you use a "wait" instead, the wait is auto-cancelled with each re-trigger. Switching over, the shades will close 15 minutes after the last time the rule is triggered. Also, you could move some stuff around to make the rule cleaner.

'Required Expression': Time between 8 am and Sunset+15
'Trigger': Humidity Shower > 15 over Bedroom
Close shades
Wait 00:15:00
Open shades

I will try the wait command instead of delay and see if that works. Thanks for the suggestion.

Personally I prefer to avoid delays and wait, to prevent that kind of reentrancy problems.

In that case, I'd create one rule that defines the required conditions to close the blinds - that's the rule you already have but just close and exit.

A second rule that triggers when blind are closed and stay close for 15 min OR when humidity falls below your expected threshold.

It makes things easy to debug since you can test the rules separately. I also expect the logic to reset itself better in case of a hub reboot in the middle of the ON/OFF cycle.

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