Static IP not applying?

Anyone else having issues setting a static IP using the new network settings menu?

I have tried it several times and after I reboot, it's back in DHCP again.

Please review the documentation to make sure you're not missing a step. Let us know if it's still an issue after confirming.

I have tried that multiple times. I can confirm that I followed the instructions.

I am attempting to put it into a vlan with no dhcp. I have my hue hub in the same vlan and it works fine.

First report I've seen of it not sticking. Tagging @gopher.ny

Is hub login security on by any chance? I got a bug reported that Networking doesn't work when hub UI security is turned on. The workaround is to temporarily disable UI security.

Nope. No hub security.

I'm also noticing that its not using my DNS server either (with DHCP on). I saw several other reports of that so I figured you are probably already aware of it.

Yeah, a fix for that is in the pipeline. Can you try setting static IP through a direct URL?


It should return blank page if successful and a readable error if not.


I get an error - "IP address must belong to subnet or you will not be able to communicate with the hub"

Probably not the best thing to assume lol

Well, it's a safeguard that will benefit most people. We don't want to deal with support tickets when folks mistype their network information :slight_smile:

There's no workaround for it right now. I can add a URL-only override for this in the next 2.2.5 iteration and give it out to people who inquire, though.

Maybe a warning box with big scary letters and a red button? :slight_smile:

I'm going to try creating a DHCP server in that VLAN, reconfigure the port on the switch, connect to the hub on the new DHCP address, change to static.

Hopefully that will work.

Edit: It works. Definitely enough work to not do accidently lol

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i mistyped my gateway info and it messed me up when doing the static IP. i had to use the button on the bottom to revert back to DHCP, then fixed the typo and all is good

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