Static IP address - Bypassing Nanny

This is a new C7 install. It is intended to run on a subnet without DHCP. Initial setup was done on a dhcp enabled setup for simplicity. I now need to set a fixed IP address to move it to its final home.

I get this nanny message:

I can't save the (correct) final IP address. Anyone know how to bypass this?

Yes I can get to 10.1.1.x addresses from the machine in use :slight_smile:

Tagging @gopher.ny from Hubitat. I seem to recall that there is a http endpoint that can be used by advanced users to configure IP settings on the hub.

Just please be sure to include the DNS server settings as well, as that seems to be a common problem that causing connectivity issues with the Hubitat Cloud endpoint server.


I think it’s these endpoints discussed in this thread?


Brilliant. Thank you both. Much appreciated.

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One more thing… on the bottom of the C5/C7 hubs, there is a small button accessible through one uniquely shaped ventilation hole. Holding this button for 7 seconds will revert the hub back to using DHCP - just in case!


Yeah, those are the ones. They haven't changed since introduction.


as a side note I read recently that the DNS server is fastest, even faster than the "giant 8.8" company

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How much faster?

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About 5 times faster by this metric:

In reality, since most of us run a caching nameserver on our LANs, I don’t think it matters that much.


We tend go for stability not speed so 2 or 3 separate providers. the 8s, the 1s plus sometimes the isp.


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