Start Level Change with Direct Bulbs

Just bringing this thread back because I have started to buy some hue bulbs to replaces some of my other bulbs since with the newer Bluetooth ones it has the restore previous state feature (LOVE IT) and I know that the older ones were updated to do it but since I prefer to have the bulbs directly connected to my hubitat and i can still update the firmware as well as set the restore previous state feature via Bluetooth command all while not disconnecting it from hubitat.

Now the issue I have noticed is the Start level change command does not work at all now, when you click the option in the hubitat web UI it simply does nothing at all but the stop level change does seem to work (if you set level and change the duration to 10 seconds then click stop level change it does).

Is this something that others have seen issues with and hoping that it can be fixed as i was hoping to use it with the Dimmer Button Controller and this app uses that function.