ST Water Sensors acting strange

At first when I changed over I had one Centralite water sensor by the water heater and it seemed to work fine. With ST it always worked when I tested it.

Since moving over to Hubitat it worked fine, now I added 2 more ST sensor’s and I’m starting to see strange problems.

First the sensor in the guest bathroom would not report, I rest the battery still wouldn’t. Removed and re-added it back and it was fine. The other two sensors worked as well yesterday

Today testing the detection for the alarm with them again, the water heater sensor would not do anything, the guest bathroom worked fine and the master bathroom which worked yesterday does not work today.

Not sure how to troubleshoot, the water heater sensor I have had for some time, it has a new batter as of a few months ago and has never acted up when spot tested. The other two are brand new its been hit and miss the last two days. I try to poll them from the device page and get response but when wet they don’t trigger anything.

I’m going to remove the two not working and add them back in, just find it strange and not sure where to look right now. Suggestions?

Quick note, I pulled the battery on the water sensor, let it sit for a few minutes and plugged back in and it worked now. Doesn’t make sense I have to start doing this now when I didn’t before

And now all of a sudden the master bathroom one works…

Do you have enough repeaters in your setup?

The sensors are within 15 feet of the hub, the water heater might be 18 feet. I have a repeater in one bedroom and the living room lamp 12 feet from the hub is a repeater and didn’t need them before I switched over. I have moved both the new sensors except the water heater sensor the original one back onto my defaulted ST hub to see if they act up on that one and put them in the original spot for testing.

The hubs don’t know about each other and the only thing on the ST hub is the water sensors to see if they act up on there.

This can be closed I have found the issue.

The original Centralite Moisture sensor works fine still.

All the new SmartThings Moisture sensors from ST are all failing after 24 hours. I put those back on my ST Hub to test and they are dead today and won’t register any moisture at all.

Sending them back, and picking up more of the Centralite Moisture sensors

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