Sporadic automatic daily DB backups

Even through my hub is configured to do a backup every night a 2:15 AM. It's often not happening. See below

I thought this might be a result of my Backup from the future
But that has been fixed now.

Anyone else seeing this?

What is the “Local Backup Schedule” selector set to at the bottom of that page? Have you changed it recently?

No, I have not changed it

It might be related. I assume that the hub’s time is correct, right?

Yes, time and timezone are correct.

Anytime you reboot your hub a backup is automatically taken. Check your System Events / Location Events and search for systemStart events to see if the time stamp is near the backup time.

Yes, every backup has occurred at a system restart or manual backup. System restarts have generally been due to a firmware upgrade.

I don't see any scheduled backups occurring. Looks like I need to contact support.

The daily automatic backup will run at 02.15.
If you look at the backup list at 02.30.
You will see a backup with the date and the 2.15 timestamp.
At 09.00 you do a manual backup.
The backup for today will now show a time stamp of 09.00.
If you now do a backup at 11.00 the daily backup time stamp will be 11.00.
It will not show all 3 in the list.
It only keeps one backup for any day.
Hope this makes sense.


Mine will not auto backup. Only manual.


Well, this is unusual... could you PM me your hub's id so I can look up engineering logs on it? That should have some clues.

Sent, thanks

Ok, no errors in the log, but it's running 2.2.7. Could you please update the hub to 2.3.0, the latest version? There are tons of enhancements between the two, including scheduler hardening, and there is always a version rollback feature in the diagnostic tool if things go wrong.

If you use port forwarding to access the hub from outside local network, 2.3.0 closes non-local access. If previous sentence doesn't mean anything to you, you're not using it :slight_smile:

Also, please take a backup before updating, just in case. Usually, automated backups take care of the "just in case" part.


OK, I upgraded to Will see what happens tonight.