Specifying an alternate Callback for a HubAction gives unexpected result

If I use the code snippet below the hub response goes to parse() and I can use parseLanMessage and everything works as expected.

If I uncomment those two lines the hub response goes to myfunction() but the response is different. It is something like "hubitat.device.HubResponse@94ee77"

and the code blows up on parseLanMessage() because its invalid for the returned data.

Documentation on this is scarce and I cannot find a format where the LanMessage is passed to the alternate callback function. Do I have to specify an option to force the LAN data to be returned to the specified callback function or am I supposed to use the "@94ee77" in some way to retrieve the data.

I could do it all within the parse function but being able to separate different response types into alternate callbacks sure makes the code more readable.

Any pointers appreciated.

Closest signature for HubAction I see for what you are trying is

HubAction(Map params, String dni, Map options)

which means you are sending a null for the dni

dni - The device network Id to use when sending the message.

Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately that does not work. However, if I just pass the DNI as the second parameter, it does work

It doesn't solve my problem but it does suggest that the problem lies somewhere in the options map.

Probably a good reason, but why not use the httpGet or asynchttpGet methods?

I certainly would be willing to use httpGet if I had a good example of utilizing the callback method properly. But searching on "HubAction callback" produces a pretty thin list.

Is this something you have an example of that you would be willing to share?

LOL I have a whole lot of those:

void getPollData() {
        Map params = [
                uri    : "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080",
                path   : "/hub/advanced/internalTempCelsius",
                headers: ["Cookie": cookie]
        if (debugEnable) log.debug params
        asynchttpGet("getTempHandler", params)


void getTempHandler(resp, data) {
    try {
        if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) {
            Double tempWork = new Double(resp.data.toString())
            if(tempWork > 0) {
                if(debugEnable) log.debug tempWork
                if (location.temperatureScale == "F")

                updateAttr("temperatureF",celsiusToFahrenheit(tempWork)+ " °F")
                updateAttr("temperatureC",tempWork+ " °C")
    } catch(ignored) {
        def respStatus = resp.getStatus()
        if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "getTemp httpResp = $respStatus but returned invalid data, will retry next cycle"

After trying out your example I can see that the response I receive when I correctly specify an alternate callback is structured similarly to the response I receive when using your asynchttp method.

So it would seem to me that an alternate callback is forced into using a different type of response and thus parseLanMessage is no longer valid when you use an alternate callback.

For simplicity I will probably just stick with running everything through parse() and then branching off from there. Thanks again for your help.

There's an AsyncResponse object described here. Maybe it is relevant: Async HTTP calls