Good morning
I just set up a hub in a condo that has concrete walls and looking to strengthen the mesh.
I found these online , at a very reasonable price, but before I buy a half a dozen I wanted to see if anyone had used them or have any thoughts on working with HE
The product page says they are zigbee 3.0 protocol though they are not listed on the compatibility list.
Thanks Rick. We recently moved to Malaysia so trying to find devices that I can source locally. No where near as many options. But will look for Sengled here.
On a related note. I had ordered a couple of the sonoff zigbee plugs to trial while I was searching for other options. The 2 I installed seem to be working.
Can you tel me if there is anything specific I should be on the lookout for ( if they do become unreliable) ?
Do they just drop off the network?
I bought a c8. I believe this has some new diagnostics yes?