Sonos Compatibility — Specific Sonos Products?

I’m switching from Sonos Connect to Sonos Port (newer product, same basic capabilities). Anyone know if I’ll have trouble continuing to use the built in Sonos Integration app for TTS et al?

The list of Hubitat compatible devices just says “Sonos”. It doesn’t specify whether individual products are or aren’t compatible. Anyone know?

@mike.maxwell, maybe you want to update the list of compatible devices accordingly, even if “all”.

So far every sonos device has worked.

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The only issue I have seen with the Sonos integration is that there is not "restore" capability.

If you are listening to something and break in for an announcement, you cannot automatically resume what was playing.

I appreciate the limitation with "restore". My real question, though, was whether the new Sonos product, Port, would continue to work like the Hubitat Sonos Integration. I take @mike.maxwell's comment to mean, "no reason to believe it won't work, but as usual, buyer beware."

Anybody using a Sonos Port with HE? I may just take the plunge and find out the hard (easy?) way.

It will work, while I don't personally own a port, I do own the new amp, and it works perfectly.

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Replacing old Sonos units with new Ports and Amps today. Glad they will work. When I initially setup HE (a week ago), I believe the units were auto-discovered. Will they be auto-discovered again, or how can I trigger that process?

Open the sonos integration again and any new devices will be discovered.